Monday, January 1, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I once made a resolution not to ever make New Year's resolutions. I kept this resolution for probably 20 years. I just couldn't understand what was so special about New Year's Day for a new beginning. I mean besides hanging up a new calendar, New Year's Day is just another day. And not a particularly good one if you are starting a weight loss program. The fitness club is closed and after devouring all the Christmas cookies (and pies), you're likely to go through sugar withdrawal.

I always thought one should make resolutions as they become necessary, but I've always been into self-improvement. I guess after almost 30 years, I should be perfect by now! Far from it! There's always room for improvement.

The Sunday paper yesterday had an article yesterday about How to Make New Year's Resolutions, by Ellen Degeneres. It was meant to be funny, but did contain some excellent points. She advised that you make a short list, only 4 or 5 resolutions and you should consult your list from prior years before you compile this one. If you had a resolution on your previous list like "I resolve never to eat another Christmas Cookie," and it didn't work out, this year put "I resolve to eat Christmas Cookies at every opportunity." That way you get a little head start. And if you did quit smoking or some other bad habit in the past, include that this year as well, like this, "Continue not smoking." That is another one with guaranteed success. You want to build on your successes!

But you can read the article for yourself. The point is to KEEP your resolutions, to avoid the trap that many people fall into. In a few weeks, I'll see all kinds of articles about what to do after you've broken all your resolutions! My advice would be to see a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, but I am biased.

Resolute n. determined, bold, firm of purpose.

Resolution n. process by which discord is made to pass into concord; the solving of a problem; boldness and firmness of purpose; decision, goal statement.

Regret n. what happens after you break all your New Year's resolutions.

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