Sunday, December 1, 2013


The word of the day is sophistry.
Sophistry -- n. a deceptive or fallacious argument.
Sophistry is deceiving someone by making a superficial or defective argument, which doesn't hold water. Example: telling your mother you can't clean your room because it will destroy the delicate balance of the ecosystem. 
Sophistry is not a word that you hear every day in conversation, but just turn on the TV and watch the commercials. You'll see plenty!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stickler No More

I met someone the other day. She is a real stickler! She really wanted to make a point and make sure everyone understood.

stickler -- someone who is very persnickety, critical or perfectionistic.

So is the verb form stickle?

Sticklers are people who stickle!

Monday, July 29, 2013


Hetero-hypnosis means that one experiences a hypnotic trance while being guided by someone else.

This term was invented in order to distinguish "hypnosis" from Self-hypnosis.

Self-Hypnosis Class
7:00 PM -- 8:30 PM
August 15 and 21
Heaven and Earth Spiritual Center
1316 Alt. 19N
Palm Harbor FL
Cost $29.00

This 3 hour class will include a group hypnosis experience. Call 727-946-1531 to register.

Monday, May 20, 2013


I'm on a kick with g-words lately.

Galavanting is an interesting word. I guess the verb is Galavant, but I haven't seen it or heard it in except with the -ing on the end.

Galavant can also be spelled gallivant. I prefer the first.
It means to roam about in search of amusement or pleasure. The secondary meaning is to flirt. The closest synonym is wander. 

Instead of wandering, I hope you will all galavant to my workshop at Unity Church next Sunday.

Galavant over to the Gratitude Workshop! See Musinglog for details.

If you are going away for Memorial Day Weekend, you may click here:

Thank YOU!


If someone were glowering at you, I get the impression it would not be a good thing. The same goes for someone glaring at you.

glare v. to stare in an angry or fierce way.

glower v. to scowl or appear angry or sullen.

Sullen teenagers glare at their parents every day, which causes the parents to glower at them.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Here's a word I haven't heard in a long time, now I have heard it 3 times this week!

Benevolent - adj. charitable, generous, giving, well-meaning, and kindly.

Benevolence - n. state of being charitable, generous and giving.

Abundance comes to me when I am feeling benevolent!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Salacious Definitions

I think this might be a popular article, if and only if people know what salacious means!
Salacious is an adjective, a synonym for lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, lusty, randy, or wanton.

Merriam Webster says: arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination.

It comes from Latin.

The salacious hypnotist helped menopausal women restore their libidos.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Magnamimous Charisma

I'm contemplating 2 mellifluous words this morning: charisma and magnanimous!

Charisma is a noun meaning 1. an extraordinary power (such as healing) given to a Christian by the Holy Spirit; 2A. a personal magic of leadership, arousing extreme loyalty; 2B. a special magnetic charm or appeal. It comes from the ancient Greek word for rejoice.

Magnamimous is an adjective meaning 1. showing a lofty or courageous spirit; 2. generous and forgiving. It comes from Latin.

These definitions are taken from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I am jubilant

I'll be jiggered. I couldn't think of any adjectives that start with J when I needed them. Jazzy, jumpy, joyful, jerky, junky, jade.

I have it, the penultimate J-word: Jubilant!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prompt Intuition

Prompt is an adjective and means to be on time, punctual.

Prompting is much more interesting!
The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.

They pay people in the theater and possibly on movie sets to prompt to the actors.
The verb form of prompt would be synonomous with urge, persuade, instigate.

Do you ever sense an inner prompting? To do or say something? I think this could be called intuition. Do you listen to your intuition? Promptings are messages that are so urgent we act on them promptly, sorta like we can't ignore them. But we do anyway. Why do we ignore our promptings? I will expand on this on Musinglog. In this article, I would just like to prompt you to listen to your inner promptings and act on them promptly. You won't regret it.  Thank you!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Presidents Day

Is it Presidents Day today? Officially we are celebrationg George Washington's birthday, which was February 22, 1732. So is it President's Day with or without the apostrophe? Common usage says its OK not to use the apostrophe, since we now use nouns as adjectives anyway. But the dictionary and word historians say it should be Presidents' Day, even though legally and officially it is only Washington's birthday. Lincoln's Birthday was never a federal holiday, though many states celebrated it and all the car dealerships have commercials with both Lincoln and Washington. Four US presidents have birthdays in February: Lincoln, Feb. 12, Washington, Feb. 22, William Henry Harrison, Feb. 9, and Ronald Reagan, Feb. 6. So I conclude that Macy's is correct when the advertise their sale as
Presidents' Day One Day Sale.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A New Heroine

I would like to announce a new Super Hero. I won't call her a heroine, as that evokes a different shade of meaning. Her name is Menopause Woman!

She is able to generate and radiate heat at the most inopportune moments. Able to leap same children in a single bound. Able to cut down the largest bully with a look. Able to clean and organize any kitchen in ju;st an hour. falacrity demonstrated several times daily. emotionally volatile.

maybe Hot Flash Woman is a better name.

see my video at

What ever you do, DON'T cross Menopause Woman! or her sidekick, Perry Meno!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolute Intentions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

I made a resolution last year: NOT to make resolutions on New Year's Day!

I have kept that resolution.

I saw an ad on the Internet yesterday which said that
Resolutions were made to be broken.

So true, and yet so sad, because we all have the best intentions. So this year I have made intentions, rather than resolutions. Resolutions are the things we should do. And we always resist things we know we should do. Intentions are so much more positive and they are things we really want to do. I know I'm more motivated to activate my intentions than to keep my resolutions.

How about you? Do you set intentions or resolutions?