Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greek Journeys

Kaleidoscope. Psychedelic. Both from Greek! In Greek they pronounce both the P and the S in the beginning of Psychedelic or psychology.
Kal is from kalos, meaning beautiful or good.
Eidos is from eidos, meaning form.
Scope is from skopein, to see.
Psychedelic and psychology are both from Psyche, which means soul.
By the way, the word ego comes from Greek, too. It means “I.”
Did Freud know Greek?

See you in a few weeks when I get back from Greece!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Advertisements are ubiquitous, all around us. They are insidious. And most people think they are immune. Not so. How do you spell relief?
Plop-plop ______ _____.
Coke, it’s the _____ thing.
If you said R-o-l-a-i-d-s, fizz-fizz, and real, the advertising succeeded. You’re correct. You’re normal. And you’re not immune to the effects of advertising.

I am researching this topic right now for a presentation in August, called “Verbal Impact: Can Words Hurt You?” It’s going to be fantastic, insightful and dynamic.

U biq ui tous means seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent.

Ubiquitous is the adjective form of ubiquity, existence everywhere at the same time, from New Latin, “everywhere.”