Monday, November 28, 2011


Abstruse, obtuse, are these words related?.

Is obtuse stupid or obstructed?

It means dull-witted, stupid, slow, or thick.

Abstruse means difficult to understand; recondite; esoteric; ambiguous.

Both are adjectives.

Obstuction, obstacle.
Are these words related?
Obstacle is a synonym for obstruction.

Am I obtuse or is this blog abstruse?


Eek! What is this (eke)?

a verb, eke, which means to barely get by.

How are you eking out a living in this economy?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bless this Bliss

Bless...bliss. Just one letter different. very similar. Related? 

They both seem relevant, now at the beginning of the 2011 holiday season.

I can't believe we are so close to the end of the year!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Friday, November 11, 2011

On This Auspicious Date

Today is 11-11-11. Is this a lucky day or what?!

I am ponderinging some monosyllablic words today.

Fresh and brisk can be synonyms is the sense of temperature (coolness), yet they each sound so different, Brisk is so quick and sudden, while Fresh is barely a whisper.

Auspicious is also an interesting word, though hardly a monosyllable.

Auspicious means propitious, showing or portending good fortune.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can you dig it?


Deliver  D letter D sooner D better.

Just a flashback from a long time ago!

I was wondering why there are so many words that start with D that mean to destroy:
and detonate.

Also, another intriguing D word, a monosyllabic word, somewhat rare:

Delve means to dig, uncover or pry. Can't be Greek. Must be ... ?