Thursday, January 11, 2007


Epiphany was celebrated in Tarpon Springs, also known as “Epiphany City,” last Saturday. It has earned this epithet because every year, thousands of people gather to observe the Greek Orthodox tradition of retrieving a cross from a body of water. The teenage boy who retrieves the cross, is given many blessings for the coming year. This was the 101st year this has been performed in Tarpon Springs, and the warmest one in the last 100 years, lucky for the 30 young men who dived into Spring Bayou this year.

Epiphany n. Christian festival held on January 6.
epiphany n. revelation, spiritual event. From Greek, to reveal.
epitaph n. inscription on a tombstone. From Greek, over a tomb.
epithet n. adjective or descriptive phrase; abusive or contemptuous phrase used to describe a person. From Greek, to add on

Note: an epithet is not always negative. It is synonymous with "label."

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