Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blaring Jolt

Some words I am wondering about today:

rhyming pairs: jolt/bolt, and glare/blare

Jolt, sudden shock,  sudden occurrence, something that awakens you.
Bolt. 1. a metal pin or bar. 2. a short arrow used with a crossbow. 3. A small piece or part, as in, a stroke of lightning.

Glare means 1. to look at someone in anger or disgust. 2. shine a strong light.
Blare means to make or cause a loud, harsh noise, and Blaring is the more common adjective form, as in , blaring trumpets.

These pairs rhyme. All can be nouns or verbs, but I gave definitions for jolt and bolt as nouns and glare and blare as verbs.

I do love words. And books. And libraries, too! Check out this music video from the Nashville Library!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The word of the day is Rambunctious!

The cat of the day is Franky.

And the cat of the day, Franky, is extremely rambunctious today!

Rambunctious means uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous.

The origin is American! or possibly Icelandic.

Synonyms: boisterous, rowdy, wild.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Congenial Geniality

Congenial: adjective. 1. having the same taste, habits, or temperament; 2. pleasant, sociable; 3. agreeable, or suited to one's needs or nature.

Genial: adjective. 1. cheerful and friendly; 2. warm or mild, as in climate.

These words are obviously related to each other and the word Genius.

They are synonymous. And there are many congenial synonyms for genial:

Affable, amiable, cordial, easygoing, friendly, warm

This is what is missing from our society! Geniality. People have forgotten their manners and thrown pleasantries out the window.