Friday, January 12, 2007

How droll!

I left out a very amusing word on my list of monosyllables: droll. I came across this word in one of my son’s chapter books recently. I had to look it up to make sure I knew what it meant. I seem to remember hearing it in some old black and white movies, usually spoken by some sophisticated snob. It’s just a cute little word, which means comical or amusingly odd. I think it should be brought back into current usage.

Droll comes from an Old Dutch word, drol, meaning little man. I thought it might be related to troll, but my dictionary says that comes from an Old Norse word. Nonetheless, I think they share a common ancestor.

I think some of my articles are droll. If not humorous, they are certainly odd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your last sentence certainly is quite droll.

Wordsmith, UK