Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Beautiful youth

Is our country suffering from hebephrenia? We are definitely obsessed with youth. Everybody has to look youthful. And I can’t get over why some of us middle-aged folks want to look youthful by dressing like the teenagers today, when we only wind up looking foolish. I work with teenagers. I think they look awful and I have pointed out to them how embarrassed they will be in 20 years, when their teenage children look at photos of them with their pants hanging off their butts. Oh, is that still in style in New York? Probably not, but the kids here still want to wear clothes that don’t fit. The boys wear everything too big. They have to wear a dress over their shorts so we don’t see the gymn shorts they wear in an effort to prevent drafts and pass the “dress code,” and the girls wear everything too small. The tops are tiny, got to show that belly ring! And the bottoms may be long and wide, so they sweep the floor, but they are small enough on the top, which is not around the waist, but riding so low on the hips they show their tiny little thong underwear. Remember when “thongs” were sandals?

Oh, and tattoos are very popular in Florida, too.
I never considered a tattoo (commitment-phobe that I am). They are so permanent. And again look much better on the young. And I have seen many senior citizens with them here. Not a pretty sight.

He be phre ni a n. a schizophrenia characterized by foolish mannerisms, delusions, hallucinations, and regressive behiavior. From Greek (of course, observe the PH), hebe, youth, Hebe, the goddess of youth and spring.
He be phren ic. Adj. immature or foolish.

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