Thursday, December 14, 2006


“Resistance is futile.” It’s a beautiful saying, promoted by the Borg in Star Trek: Voyager. The one with the female captain. I love it. It’s just so fatalistic.

Everyone is resistant at times. I think all teenagers are resistant. And many of my clients tell me about this part of themselves which is not going along with what is best for them. I always recommend affirmations as self-hypnotic suggestions, but for the Confirmed Skeptics, I recommend reverse affirmations. The brain doesn’t process the NOT’s so you can absolutely believe what you are saying, while sending the opposite message to your brain!

So in order to take advantage of your resistance and make it work for you, here are some sample affirmations:
I’m not organized. I’m not powerful. I’m not triumphant. I never succeed. I never smile. My life isn't easy. Wonderful things never happen to me. I don’t want to be happy. I‘m not exuberant. (another great word, from Latin, meaning enthusiastic, high-spirited)

I love these! They always make me smile in spite of my best efforts not to.

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