Thursday, July 7, 2011


Glut. Not a pleasant sound, for something that means abundance!

Glut. One syllable for an unlimited, bountiful word.

Too bad it's related to gluttony. That's definitely a negative. It's even one of the seven deadly sins!

Glut --n. surplus, excess. Not from Latin or Greek! From Old French.

Glutton -- n. 1. one who eats to excess. 2. one who has an enormous appetite for something.

gluttonous -- adj. greedy. or would hungry be better? Voracious, insatiable, and greedy are the synonyms in my thesaurus.

I'm not sure how this simple word accumulated so much negativity, but I thnk Glut is a perfectly nice, succinct word for Abundance. I think I would like to use it as an acronym for my next business project: Gloria's Luxurious Unlimited Table. Good name for a Restaurant. Gloria's Luxurious Unlimited Time, Test, Telephone. Tickle? Time Table. Text. Testament (maybe I could use it as a title for a book). Truth? Talk. Type. Tutorial.

Stay tuned for more of Gloria's Luxurious Unlimited Truths!

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