Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deepak Chopra Recites Poetry

Deepak Chopra was in Palm Harbor Florida last week. He was doing a class called Journey into Healing. I saw him on Friday evening, when he was part of a program called "Be the Change."
In his presentation, he started by speaking about the current economic crisis, then about evolution. Then he explained how we are going through a time of transition, not just transition, but transformation! The metaphor he use was a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. This is no simple change, the caterpillar is not just a worm with wings, it is a completely new being.
It ended with singing, dancing and people taking a vow of non-violence. Dr. Deepak Chopra recited poetry last weekend, accompanied by a violinist and a drummer!
It was quite interesting. There were 1000 people there! And Dr. Chopra was kind enough to pose for a photo with me!

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