It happened again. The philologue is astonished. I just read another script written by a certified hypnosis consultant which uses the word "unconscious" instead of "subconscious." These words are not interchangeable, though you might think so. They have been confused for so long that the dictionary even includes unconscious now as a noun with the following definition: the psychic apparatus which will sometimes leak significant but suppressed information (i.e. a Freudian slip). Interesting that they would bring up Freud. This all his fault. He coined the expression "subconscious." Which means UNDER the conscious level.
Subconscious is a part of the mind, which is sometimes divided into Conscious and Subconscious. Unconscious is an adjective which means NOT conscious, unresponsive, like in a COMA!
And I know clients in trance are responsive. Sometimes appearing as if they are in slow motion, but still responding to the sound of my voice.
This is one of the philolog's pet peeves. Thank you for listening.
Should You Consider Hypnosis?
10 years ago
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