Thursday, November 15, 2007


Penurious and plutocratic are words from Wattle’s Science of Wealth. I didn’t expect this book to be a more elaborate form of “thots are things!” The language is quite lofty, though it requests that everyone take its scientific principals on faith. But if we heard Edison or Marconi expound on electromagnetic principles, we would certainly accept their statements as truth, because we would presume that they had done the scientific research personally.

Penury--n. poverty or frugality. From Latin.

Plutocratic--adj. having to do with government by the wealthy. It has nothing to do with the (former) planet or Roman God, Pluto, as I suspected. It comes from Greek!

Grandiloquence--n. lofty or pompous eloquence. From Latin.

1 comment:

Philolog said...

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Please keep the comments coming. I promise to publish anything remotely relevant!