Here is one of the comments:
I be enduringly familiar with insufficient of the articles on your website. I extremely like your fashionableness of blogging. I added it to my favorites and last will and testament. Be checking back soon. Please add me to your input as ok and fail me conscious what you think. Thanks.
Imagine that! I've been added to their last will and testament.
Now, I don't know how this works, but these comments pop up, anonymously, of course, and if I publish it, I get several more comments in gibberish. So I'm just going to tweek it a bit.
I am now familiar with all of your blogs and articles and I
enjoy them tremendously. I am so envious of your
fascinating style of writing. I even recommend it to
my friends who don't speak English. I am hoping
I can hire you soon to write some content for my own
website. Thanks for sharing your impeccable insight
and wisdom with us!
That kind of sounds like English.
They do send me crazy links, some in other languages and some that are completely inappropriate.
I would like to thank you in advance for sending me some intelligent, intelligible comments. I would really love to receive them.
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