I saw a few minutes of the movie, Love Happens, the other night. In it, the characters look up some words in the dictionary.
I was intrigued by one of them and looked it up myself. It is not in the pocket dictionary, so I googled it. It came up in wikipedia, but since that isn't very authoritarian, I pulled out the Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary.
Sesquipedalian. adj. characterized by the use of big words; or measuring a foot and a half long.
Pedantic. adj. artificially or exagerratedly scholarly.
Whilst googling, I discovered that others had made the same mistake I had at first. There were no quotations which included the word, sesquipedalian, but there were some with "sesquipedantic," which I would venture to guess is not a word. It is not in my unabridged dictionary.
If you are a pedant, or pedantic, your language is probably sesquipedalian.
The philolog is not pedantic and this blog is never sequipedalian. The philolog actually prefers monosyllablic words and has written many blogs about them.
Should You Consider Hypnosis?
9 years ago
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