Silent night, Holy night, ...
Round yon virgin, mother and child...
What is yon? Short for yonder?
Should You Consider Hypnosis?
10 years ago n. 1. love of words and learning (from Greek, from philologos, loving reason or learning, and logos, word, reason)
a burning bush!A burning bush? What does that signify? When I told my son, he said maybe it's a sign of the apocalypse. A- po- ca- lips. What an interesting word. I know it must come from Greek (see the y as a vowel in the last syllable?). Now that I write it, I see that this word is related to calypso. Apocalypse means a prophetic disclosure or revelation. It comes from apokalupsis, a- po- ka- loop- sees, revelation. It is also the name of the last book of the Bible. Calypso means a type of music from Trinidad, but guess what, it is also the name of a character in Greek mythology. She is mentioned in the Odyssey.