I think I am a compassionate person. I am a good listener, and I have been told by clients and friends that they perceive that I understand what they are feeling and saying. I listen dispassionately, which means I do not judge them for what I hear. I also do not spread it around to others.
But I can be judgmental. I still evaluate and overanalyze everything that I hear and see. I’m analytical. Like everything else, being analytical can be viewed as a weakness or a strength.
Judgmental. Weird spelling. Means wise, discerning, or critical. From judicare, which is Latin for judge.
Compassion – capacity for feeling the emotions of others; empathy; pity.
Dispassion – fairness, impartiality, objectivity.
Passion – powerful feeling; or strong desire.
All from pati, which is Latin for suffering, which is related to pathos from Greek, but my dictionary isn't sure which came first. (huh?!)
Should You Consider Hypnosis?
10 years ago
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