First, does anyone remember the TV show with David Duchovney, called the X-Files? It was very popular about 11-12 years ago. It was about 2 FBI agents who investigated unexplained phenomena. They even did make a movie...
I remember being outraged when I heard Scully on that show, say, "Everyone knows that subjects under hypnosis are prone to confabulation." This is where the misinformation about hypnosis comes from! Especially from innocent shows like
Jimmy Neutron and
George and Martha (cartoons).
Let me reveal the truth about confabulation and hypnosis!
I know a retired police officer in NYC who conducted a 6-year study during the late 80's and early 90’s. They also conducted the same study in California at the same time. This person and a few others used forensic hypnosis with witnesses to obtain information about the perpetrators of crimes. They kept track of all information obtained under hypnosis. In 6 years, they found the information to be 52% relevant and 95% accurate. This means the information was helpful in finding or identifying the perpetrator. But also that even if it did not lead to an arrest, it was 95% accurate.
Information which is 95% accurate is called truth, not confabulation. Confabulate means to make up information, and to assume it is true. The dictionary says to replace fact with fantasy in memory. This does happen. Human memory is not perfect. We tend to fill in details that make sense or seem reasonable if we don't exactly remember everything about an event.
The Foresic Hypnotist I have been speaking of, told me it was very important to word the questions in such a way as not to "lead the witness." Ask them to describe the event, and the people present. Don't say, "did the man have facial hair?" This will lead the subject to believe that it was a man, even if they really weren't sure. Maybe they had a mask on and a big overcoat, so the gender was unknown. And asking if there was facial hair, makes it more likely the subject will report a beard or mustache...
Now you know the facts about confabulation and hypnosis. If you see Scully, please let her know.
Confabulation -- 1. an informal chat. 2. a false memory. From Latin, to talk together, from
fabulari, story, conversation.